Company Profile
The Forecourt Bureau of Ireland was established to provide an independent advisory service to the petroleum industry.
The company is owned and managed by Oliver Lupton an oil industry professional with over 40 years experience in the Oil Industry. Oliver worked with Mobil Oil for fifteen years commencing with Mobil Oil Ireland in Dublin and transferring to Mobil Oil Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) and Mobil Oil Malawi, Central Africa for ten years.
His induction in the industry consisted in a hands-on grounding in the following functional skills :-costing, stock controls, accounts, transport, shipping and warehousing, lubricant uses and applications, operations personnel supervision.
He specialised in retail petrol station controls and management, managing 17 petrol outlets in Malawi, Central Africa directly, with local staff and providing sales management for 17 dealer operated sites in Malawi. He also oversaw the introduction of Ethanol, produced from sugar cane, as a petrol additive for foreign currency saving while in Malawi. Product education and training was conducted by Oliver during this time.